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A second chance to learn the importance of first aid | CD Voice

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2019-02-26 17:29
My wife shouted my name and pointed at the boy flailing in — and increasingly under — the water beneath the waterfall in Laos.I immediately understood and swam over to him.It was too deep for me to touch the bottom, but I was still able to hoist him above the surface. My wife left our 3-year-old in the shallows near the bank and also helped lift and steer the child, who seemed to be around 6 years old, onto the shore.His face was twisted in fear.He was sputtering and bawling, but managed to choke out a few words. That's when we realized he was Chinese.His family had apparently also used the Spring Festival holiday to travel to Luang Prabang.So, we started comforting him in his mother tongue and scanning the area for his parents.I never saw them.But, soon, his elder brother, who seemed around 10, arrived at the scene. Big bro seemed unfazed.His younger sibling was still too sha ………………………………

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