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经济学人双语精读  · 公众号  · 国际  · 2021-01-06 08:39
拼多多23岁员工加班到凌晨一点半猝死,引发媒体热议,“996”再次成为互联网人无法回避的问题。这几天我从《金融时报》和彭博社中找了相关报道,和大家一起分享。今天的文章包括:《金融时报》是怎么报道的?《南华早报》是怎么报道的?从「写作」角度,我们可以积累到哪些表达?一、《金融时报》(Financial Times) Pinduoduo faces growing PR crisis over employee death China’s fastest-growing e-commerce group Pinduoduo is facing a growing public relations crisis and an investigation into its working conditions after one of its employees died after collapsing on her way home from work. The employee’s death, which occurred in the early hours of December 29, has revived concerns over the brutal work culture at some Chinese tech companies. The long hours often expec ………………………………

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