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春节期间疫情是否会进一步反弹?中国疾控中心给出回应丨Big virus resurgence highly unlikely

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2021-01-14 10:27
It is highly unlikely that China will experience a major resurgence of the novel coronavirus during the upcoming Spring Festival, given that the nation has created containment measures to quickly identify, isolate and control any possible outbreaks, a health official said on Wednesday.  Feng Zijian, deputy director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said the center has gained more understanding of the novel coronavirus in the fight against the epidemic during more than a year.  Large population movements and concentrations during Spring Festival, the top traditional time for family reunions, and the increasing number of parcels being delivered, especially imported cold-chain goods, will add to the risks of COVID-19 infection.  However, as long as epidemic containment measures are strictly implemented, there will not be a large resurgence of the COVID-1 ………………………………

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