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加措上师语录  · 公众号  · 佛学  · 2024-04-17 13:57
逆境使人成熟,绝境使人醒悟,麦穗越成熟,就越懂得弯腰,而人越懂得弯腰,才越成熟。 不要把别人对自己的放弃变成,自己对自己的放弃。 人生的日子都是越过越少,剩下的日子都是越来越重要。 所谓顺其自然,并非代表我们可以不努力,而是努力之后,我们有勇气接受一切的成败。 ---加措活佛Adversity causes one to mature; desperation causes one to awaken. The more mature wheat is, the more it knows how to bend over; when people learn to bend more they will become more mature. Just because others give up on you, this doesn’t mean you need to give up on yourself. The days of life become fewer as they are lived, and the days left over become more and more important. The idea of “going with the flow” does not mean that we should not be hard-working, but rather that after giving our all we should be brave enough to accept either success or failure. 有缘请加我公众微 ………………………………

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