专栏名称: 认真想
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认真想  · 公众号  · 教育  · 2018-11-14 11:11
本章金句:This is, by the way, another reason why we humans are so much smarter than every other species. It is not so much that our brains are bigger or more powerful, or even that we have the knack of reflecting on our own past errors, but that we share the benefits that our indicidual brains have won by their individual histories of trial and error. 人类比其他任何物种都要聪明的原因,不是因为我们的脑子更大或更强,甚至也不是因为我们有能力反思自己犯过的错误,而是我们有能力分享彼此的试错历史,享受他人经验教训的福利。失败是成功之母。有人看似无需母亲就能出生,那这多半是因为其一直在掩饰自己曾经犯过的错误。有些人看似未经失败就成功了,这多半是因为他们从别处看到了失败的案例,迅速参透了别人的反面教材。在商业 ………………………………

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