专栏名称: 加措上师语录
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加措上师语录  · 公众号  · 佛学  · 2018-08-26 07:58
真正的幸福是脱离物质追求的一种心灵感受幸福不受地位权势财富的约束是人生路上坚强的表现乐观的人把人生活成一场喜剧悲观的人把人生活成一场悲剧在不同人眼里人生有不同的状态你很坚强那么你就可以支配人生你很被动那么你的结局就是追逐人生人生对你来说就是一场追逐---加措活佛The real happiness is kind of spiritual feeling which is free from material pursuit, happiness shouldn't be constrained by social status, power, and fortune, it is a reflection our determined hearts in life. The optimistic person regard life as a comedy, while pessimistic person regard life as a tragedy. Life unfolds in different forms in the eyes of different people. When you are very strong, you are free to have your life at your disposal. When you are passive, then you will end up chasing life all ………………………………

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