专栏名称: 比尔盖茨
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大卫·森格是如何利用假肢和数据科学来帮助塞拉利昂的?| 盖茨笔记

比尔盖茨  · 公众号  · 科技自媒体  · 2021-09-13 18:00
The first time I met David Sengeh, he was a college senior studying biomedical engineering. The university president asked him to introduce me at a lecture I was giving, and he charmed the crowd by talking about the ways he and I are similar (we both want people to live healthy, fulfilling lives) and how we’re different (our hairstyles). I remember being blown away by his intellect, his ambition, and his sense of humor.我第一次见到大卫·森格时,他还是个生物医学工程专业的大四学生。我去他就读的大学演讲时,校长请他作开场介绍,他通过比较我和他的相似之处(我们都希望人们过上健康、有意义的生活),以及不同(我们的发型)吸引了在场听众。这使我对他的智慧、雄心和幽默感留下了深刻的印象。It was clear that David had a bright future ahead of him, but I don’t think an ………………………………

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