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科学网  · 公众号  · 科学  · 2018-01-18 17:45
欢迎点击「科学网」↑关注我们!我们这个领域前国际岩石力学主席Hudson教授曾经给青年学子写过八句忠告:Qualities required of a young rock mechanics/rock engineers in order to develop into a famous person:1.Work hard, especially try working very hard over short periods.2.Understand the basic principles: one principle is worth a million details.3.Look at all rocks and try to understand them-why do they look the way they do. There is a reason for everything.4.Travel as much as you can and talk to as many rock mechanics people as you can.5.Write as much as you can on the subject. Teach if you can –the teacher learns the most.6.Find a good wife. You will lead a happy life if you can work together with your wife.7.Think independently. New ideas are new ideas-by definition. Eventually you will find that your sub-conditions will do the w ………………………………

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