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经济学人商业 || 人“财”管理

一天一篇经济学人  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-02-10 16:02
1导读感谢思维导图作者Humi,CATer,不想做咸鱼的up主不是好打工人第四期写作精品(20210217开课)以上为超链,大家可以点击进入详细阅读感兴趣的小伙伴扫码付费入群(若群已满,烦请添加小编微信education0603)2听力|精读|翻译|词组Talent management人“财”管理英文部分选自经济学人20210205期Business版块Business商业Bartleby巴托比Talent management人“财”管理Executives, not investors, may be to blame for short-termism短利主义的罪魁祸首也许不是投资者,而是高管HOW BEST should managers be incentivised? In the biblical parable of the talents, a master divides his property among three servants before going away. Two put his money to work and double its value; the third buries it in the ground. The first two servants are rewarded and the third is punished.怎样激 ………………………………

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