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iOSDevLog  · 简书  ·  · 2018-07-29 23:49





  • 网页内容页面上的文字和多媒体)
  • 链接(在同一网站上的其他网页,或完全与其他网站)

这正是这个小“机器人”所做的。它从你输入spider()函数的网站开始,查看该网站上的所有内容。这个特殊的机器人不检查任何多媒体,而只是寻找代码中描述的“text / html”。每次访问网页时网页 它收集两组数据:所有的文本页面上,所有的链接页面上。如果在页面上的文本中找不到该单词,则机器人将获取其集合中的下一个链接并重复该过程,再次收集下一页上的文本和链接集。一次又一次地重复这个过程,直到机器人找到了这个单词或者已经进入了你在spider()函数中输入的限制。


有点。Google有一整套网络抓取工具不断抓取网络,抓取是发现新内容的重要组成部分(或与不断变化或添加新内容的网站保持同步)。但是你可能注意到这个搜索需要一段时间才能完成,可能需要几秒钟。对于更难搜索的单词,可能需要更长时间。搜索引擎的另一个重要组成部分是索引索引是您对Web爬网程序收集的所有数据执行的操作。索引意味着您解析(浏览和分析)网页内容并创建一个易于访问且可快速检索 *的大型集合(思考数据库或表)信息。因此,当您访问Google并输入“kitty cat”时,您的搜索词将直接到已经被抓取,解析和分析的数据集合。事实上,你的搜索结果已经坐在那里等待“小猫咪”的一个神奇短语来释放它们。这就是为什么你可以在0.14秒内获得超过1400万的结果。



以下代码应完全适用于Python 3.x. 它是在2011年9月使用Python 3.2.2编写和测试的。继续将其复制并粘贴到您的Python IDE中并运行或修改它!

from html.parser import HTMLParser  
from urllib.request import urlopen  
from urllib import parse

# We are going to create a class called LinkParser that inherits some
# methods from HTMLParser which is why it is passed into the definition
class LinkParser(HTMLParser):

    # This is a function that HTMLParser normally has
    # but we are adding some functionality to it
    def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
        # We are looking for the begining of a link. Links normally look
        # like <a href="www.someurl.com"></a>
        if tag == 'a':
            for (key, value) in attrs:
                if key == 'href':
                    # We are grabbing the new URL. We are also adding the
                    # base URL to it. For example:
                    # www.netinstructions.com is the base and
                    # somepage.html is the new URL (a relative URL)
                    # We combine a relative URL with the base URL to create
                    # an absolute URL like:
                    # www.netinstructions.com/somepage.html
                    newUrl = parse.urljoin(self.baseUrl, value)
                    # And add it to our colection of links:
                    self.links = self.links + [newUrl]

    # This is a new function that we are creating to get links
    # that our spider() function will call
    def getLinks(self, url):
        self.links = []
        # Remember the base URL which will be important when creating
        # absolute URLs
        self.baseUrl = url
        # Use the urlopen function from the standard Python 3 library
        response = urlopen(url)
        # Make sure that we are looking at HTML and not other things that
        # are floating around on the internet (such as
        # JavaScript files, CSS, or .PDFs for example)
        if response.getheader('Content-Type')=='text/html':
            htmlBytes = response.read()
            # Note that feed() handles Strings well, but not bytes
            # (A change from Python 2.x to Python 3.x)
            htmlString = htmlBytes.decode("utf-8")
            return htmlString, self.links
            return "",[]

# And finally here is our spider. It takes in an URL, a word to find,
# and the number of pages to search through before giving up
def spider(url, word, maxPages):  
    pagesToVisit = [url]
    numberVisited = 0
    foundWord = False
    # The main loop. Create a LinkParser and get all the links on the page.
    # Also search the page for the word or string
    # In our getLinks function we return the web page
    # (this is useful for searching for the word)
    # and we return a set of links from that web page
    # (this is useful for where to go next)
    while numberVisited < maxPages and pagesToVisit != [] and not foundWord:
        numberVisited = numberVisited +1
        # Start from the beginning of our collection of pages to visit:
        url = pagesToVisit[0]
        pagesToVisit = pagesToVisit[1:]
            print(numberVisited, "Visiting:", url)
            parser = LinkParser()
            data, links = parser.getLinks(url)
            if data.find(word)>-1:
                foundWord = True
                # Add the pages that we visited to the end of our collection
                # of pages to visit:
                pagesToVisit = pagesToVisit + links
                print(" **Success!**")
            print(" **Failed!**")
    if foundWord:
        print("The word", word, "was found at", url)
        print("Word never found")



2014年12月,我写了一篇关于使用Java制作网络爬虫的指南,并在2015年11月,我写了一篇关于在Node.js / Javascript中制作网络爬虫的指南。如果您有兴趣了解如何使用其他语言,请查看这些内容。



作者: Stephen

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