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英国的慈善义卖商店 The UK charity shop丨随身英语

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2020-03-30 21:28
303-2020  晚上好!欢迎收听今天的BBC英语处理多余的旧物是很多人日常生活中的一大难题。有些东西虽然不再需要,但扔掉又可惜。在英国,人们经常会把多余的衣服、书籍等物品捐给慈善义卖商店,这些商店随后会以折扣价把它们转卖出去,从而帮助那些真正有需要的贫困者。本集《随身英语》介绍英国慈善商店的前世今生。What do you do with old stuff? That top you bought for a party three years ago, for example. You wore it once and it's been hanging in your wardrobe ever since. You could throw it away, but that seems wasteful — after all it's still perfectly usable. So, what to do? In the UK, we might take it to a charity shop.The first charity shops appeared in Britain in the 19th Century. The Salvation Army, a UK charity, was one of the first to run ………………………………

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