专栏名称: 英文巴士
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英文巴士  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-10-29 23:59
NB: This may not be a word-for-word transcript.Mindful ListeningHow often have you had a conversation with someone only to realize afterward that you can remember very little of it? Perhaps you got distracted or caught up in your own thoughts.As much as we try our best to listen, the truth is we’re often not very good at it. In fact, research suggests we only absorb around 25 percent of what we hear.Listening mindfully can help us to overcome these barriers. When you listen mindfully, you’re more aware of the distractions that cause you to lose focus. This allows you to stay present in the conversation and ultimately become better at listening.So, let’s take a look at some things you can do to become a more mindful listener.First, be present. It’s easy to allow your thoughts to wander or get distracted by noise or other people. Being a mindful listener means channeling your focus so that it’s fully on the person who’s speaking. Start by simplifying your surroundings ahead ………………………………

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