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VOA英语听力  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2017-08-26 21:43
推荐!19个超级实用的外贸工具Hi there,This is Flora. How's everything going ? I know it's Saturday and you probably need to take a break, so today I'm not gonna post anything sounds boring to you. Instead, let's take a quick look at some interesting and useful tools that might help you to do foreign trade business. 作为全能型人才的外贸人怎么少得了各种利器呢?今天给各位外贸人推荐19个超级实用的外贸工具,希望能够帮助到大家!1、在线翻译网站:nicetranslator.com,可以翻译多种语言,翻译质量还可以。2、dict.cnki.net,比较专业的翻译网站,速度快。3、text-to-speech.imtranslator.net,“说话”网站,可读英语、日语、法语、西班牙语等多种语言,发音还可以。4、picclick.com,可以通过关键词搜索,找到很多有关的产品图片,可以学 ………………………………

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