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金杜资深合伙人徐萍律师荣获 “潍柴改革创新发展20年全球卓越投资合作伙伴奖”

金杜研究院  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-07-03 18:40
7月1日,在潍柴集团庆祝中国共产党成立97周年暨改革创新发展20周年大会上,潍柴回顾了20年来取得的巨大成就,其间,对一直陪伴集团发展的国内外合作伙伴进行了肯定。金杜律师事务所的资深合伙人徐萍律师被授予“潍柴改革创新发展20年全球卓越投资合作伙伴奖”,金杜是唯一获此奖项的中介机构。At its conference to celebrate the 97th anniversary of the Communist Party of China and the 20th anniversary of reform, innovation and development on 1 July 2018, Weichai Group highlighted its huge achievement in the past two decades and recognized the efforts its international and domestic partners have made along the progress of the Group. Ms. Xu Ping, a senior partner at King & Wood Mallesons (KWM) was named “Outstanding Global Investment Partner for Weichai’s 20-Year Reform, In ………………………………

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