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华豫之门古董古玩免费鉴定评估  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-03-04 19:26
孙小头纪念币,孙小头银元是一种俗称,犹如袁大头一样,其实就是铸有孙中山先生头像的银元。那么为什么叫孙小头,又是什么时候铸造的呢?民国成立后,将原江南造币厂改为财政部管理,开始铸行有孙中山先生侧面肖像,面值分为壹圆、贰角、壹角之"中华民国开国纪念币"。由于这种银元比"袁大头"略小,又印有孙中山头像,被称为"孙小头银圆"。Sunxiaotou commemorative coin, Sun Xiaotou silver yuan is a common name, just like Yuandatou, in fact, is the silver dollar with Mr. Sun Yat-sen's head. So why is it called Sunxiao, and when was it cast? After the establishment of the Republic of China, the original Jiangnan Mint was changed to the management of the Ministry of Finance and began to cast a portrait of Mr. Sun Yat-sen. The face value was divided into a roun ………………………………

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