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Be a man

Clouds_liu  · 简书  ·  · 2019-05-22 23:51

I wanted to talk about sleep time with dragon.  Before the examination he should have enough time for sleep and thus  get full energy.  But dragon felt impatient "it's this little,why do you bother me with it…"

I know what he wanted to say: I'll have the final examination, you should deal with all the other small things, don't interrupt my study……and when I'm in low mood and spirit, don't bother me. 

Yes, I'm sure that's what he's thinking about in his mind.

Dragon, don't you know you're not 17 anymore? You should deal with all the staff on your own. of course. you can ask for help

Last night, you told me you were unhappy, it's nice enough that you finished the  chemistry  homework.  All the other tasks should  be completed by me. For example, l should send the answer of  homework to the teacher. 

I told him it's easy to send it. I can teach him.  But he said he didn't have to…The task belonged to me.

in his opinion, he can do something when he is happy, if not, the tasks would belong to others.

17 now. 

But I have not seen a man who should grow from a child.

I'm let down. 

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