专栏名称: 生信菜鸟团
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Shinyforms | 用 Shiny 写一个信息收集表

生信菜鸟团  · 公众号  · 生物  · 2020-11-29 18:00
项目地址:https://github.com/daattali/shinyforms安装devtools::install_github("daattali/shinyforms")使用方法创建问题列表。每个问题都是一个带有 id,type,title 以及 mandatory (mandatory 默认为 FALSE)的列表:library(shiny)library(shinyforms)questions list( list(id = "name", type = "text", title = "Name", mandatory = TRUE), list(id = "age", type = "numeric", title = "Age"), list(id = "favourite_pkg", type = "text", title = "Favourite R package"), list(id = "terms", type = "checkbox", title = "I agree to the terms"))创建表单信息列表,其中包含 id,questions 列表和 storage 类型(保存位置):formInfo list( id = "basicinfo", questions = questions, storage = list( # Right now, only flat file storage is supported type = STORAGE_TYPES$FLATFILE, # The path where responses are stored path = "resp ………………………………

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