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早安英文  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2020-02-26 05:30
文末有福利哦,看完不要跑💨 中国人在嫉妒的时候,会说我眼红了。但外国人却不会说眼红,而是说“眼绿”:She is green-eyed with his success.她嫉妒他的成功。green-eyed就是嫉妒的意思,这个用法最早是出自于莎士比亚的《奥赛罗》:Jealousy is a green eye monster: it gets inside people, eats them up.嫉妒是一只绿眼怪物:藏在人们心里,吞噬他们。和eye相关的表达中,还有很多和green-eyed一样,不能够仅仅从字面意思上去理解,今天Winter就带大家一起来,学习它们。👇01.Can see clearly now 现在能看清/认清I can see clearly now that you are not the person I thought you were. 我现在看清了,你不是我想的那样。 02.Blind as a bat 看不清;视力不好Sometimes my friend says she is blind as a bat without her glasses. 有时候我 ………………………………

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