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若初妹妹  · 简书  ·  · 2019-02-21 12:26


冥想前早上的流瑜珈和晚上的普拉提蜜桃臀 瘦腿 练习的过程酸痛得哇哇叫,有一种被虐死的感觉,看到发抖的腿在每次酸痛时都在缩小和坚实,结束后身心的愉悦让我爱上了瑜珈。下个月开始进入私教和维秘课,期待一个月二个月半年神奇的变化吧!



《爱与性的秘密》分享19 解套  诚实是关系的最佳保鲜剂有没有一个可以让长久关系保持鲜活的方法?如果有,我们如何做到呢?一个长久的关系是非常具有挑战性的,因为长久关系会进入到一个平淡期以及无聊期,但是你能在这些时刻做些什么让关系变得鲜活呢?那就是变得诚实。就要做到对自己的诚实以及对伴侣的诚实,一段长久的关系需要很多的空气和空间。所以实际上真正能让长久关系保持鲜活的生命力的一个重要因素,就是给自己的伴侣足够做自己的空间。同样的,你也需要有时间独处,这会让自己保持活力和对生命感到热忱。并让你的伴侣也保持活力和对生命感到热忱。让他有他的爱好,你有你的爱好,但是两个人还是有共同的时间。这是一个真正拥有健康关系的秘方!他能给你的自由赋能,你也能为他的自由赋能,这样的关系就不需要有外遇的,这样的关系是很吸引人,并且不会有外遇。 所以你可以跟你的伴侣说:“你知道吗,我很开心你会留意别的女性,被异性吸引,但是如果你真的做了什么,我会很难过。”因为这是我们对自由的需求。我们可能不需要和别人上床,但是我们需要感觉到仍有一个,作为男人或女人对于异性有吸引的本能,这很自然。如果你在乎这段关系,你重视这段关系,你尊重这段关系,你才能进入到更深的亲密关系当中。当你不开心的时候,你可以去跟对方聊一聊,这样关系还能保持新鲜。冥想后In today’s technique, we will be using that energy to heal our own heart in relation to a situation with someone. We all have experienced being hurt by someone. And often we tend to hang onto that hurt, even if we don’t want to. Our mind doesn’t want to let it go. Our mind chews on the story, over and over, isn’t that true? And every time we do that, we feel bad. We harden ourselves, and we put a wall up against that person. Of course, we do that to protect ourselves. But the problem is that when we wall ourselves against one person, that wall also keeps other people out. And… it is not a nice feeling, to be walking around feeling hurt and hard and closed, and maybe wanting revenge. One very wise person, I think it may have been Buddha, said that when we want revenge, or when we hate someone, it is as if we drink poison and then expect the other person to die. That is so true!We hurt ourselves more than the other person. It hurts us when we have enemies. It hurts us when we close our hearts.So this technique is a wonderful opportunity to explore opening our hearts again. Listening to the audio, you will work with one specific person, who has hurt you or with whom you have some uncomfortable judgements or conflicts. So take some moments first to think of someone, where you are willing to explore the possibility of letting down that wall you have put up against them, which you have been using to protect yourself.I want to stress that you are doing this for yourself, not for the other person. You are doing this because you would like to have your heart energy flowing again, unburdened, free and light.This is not an easy technique for the mind, because the mind likes to hang onto its old grudges and pains. But it is easy for the heart. I say it is easy for the heart because the heart has no ideals, no judgments about how a person should be or should not be. That is because the heart connects to the part of the brain which is only in the present moment, sometimes called the right brain. In other words the heart is not influenced by past events or ideas of how you want things to be. So just as the mind cannot help itself but look for what is wrong, the heart can only see what is in this present moment. And because it is not comparing, then just what is - just this person as they are - is absolutely OK for the heart… it just is how it is, and needn’t be any other way. For now this is just words, and may even sound a little strange. The idea is to give yourself permission to make some experiences and see for yourself. You may have to listen to the audio several times to allow a shift to happen inside you… that’s perfectly normal. We are very attached to our negative ideas and judgments, and the mind has good rational reasons for them which it doesn’t want to let go of. Be patient. And remember, you are doing this for yourself and not for that person. You are doing it so that something tense inside you can relax, some old wounds can melt, and you can enjoy the energy of your heart more. This is not about forgiveness. For me, forgiveness has no place in the heart, because the concept in a subtle way makes you feel superior to the person you are forgiving, and the heart makes no comparisons. The heart just understands that we are all unconscious, and we all have good reasons for being the way we are, and how the other person is, is not our business. And remember, you are doing this just because it feels good for your heart (and your body and your energy). This guided meditation is longer than usual, so make sure you can be undisturbed for at least 20 minutes.HomeworkWrite a letter to that person, explaining how you have been feeling about them up to now and what new understanding you have about the situation.Do NOT give them the letter! This is just an additional work for you to do to help crystalise your new experience.And be open to a new way of being with that person the next time you see them. They will be the same, but you will be different – notice that! You will be a little more relaxed and easy with them. And they will sense that, and perhaps something might also change in them.Even if they don’t change, you will have changed. And you will feel that the other person has less power now to influence how you feel.Once you feel you have used this technique to melt some block you were carrying against that one person, then you can apply it to anyone. It doesn’t matter whether those people are still actually present in your life or not. It is the image of that person which you carry inside you which is affecting you, which makes you react to them the way you do, and which affects how you feel when you think of them or see them. If you can change that image inside, which is not difficult for the heart, then you will not be so affected by that other person.

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