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【译文1123】游戏疗法能帮助孩子说出过往的创伤经历  @覃晔 | 0113

炸掉西兰花  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-01-13 23:08
Play Therapy Can Help Kids Speak the Unspeakable游戏疗法帮助孩子说出自己“无法言说”的经历By Dani McClain文/丹尼·莱恩Dee Ray directs the Center for Play Therapy at the University of North Texas and often works in schools, where she sections off a 10 feet by 10 feet area in a classroom and fills the space with toys.迪伊·雷是北得克萨斯州大学游戏疗法中心的负责人,同时她也经常在中小学工作。她会在教室里划出100平方英尺的空间,在里面摆满玩具。Play therapists encourage children to express their thoughts and feelings through playing rather than by talking about what's happening in their lives.游戏治疗师鼓励孩子们通过游戏表达所想和感受,而不是让他们说出自己经历。Ray practices child-centered play therapy, in which the therapist follows the child's lead while witnessing a ………………………………

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