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梅州高速塌方一女子五名亲人失联,事故原因出在哪?| 纽约时报

新英文外刊  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-05-02 09:08
Expressway Collapses in Southern China Amid Heavy Rains, Killing 24The NewYork TimesChina1 May, 2024 | 471 words | ★★★☆☆A nearly 60-foot segment of an expressway in a rural area of southeastern China collapsed before dawn on Wednesday after days of heavy rain, killing 24 people and injuring 30 others.Photos released after the incident appeared to show that a landslide had begun under two lanes of an expressway that ran along the side of a hill. A wide, brown scar of mud ran down the side of the hill between bright green foliage, leaving a large gap in the expressway.Vehicles lay jumbled at the base of the hill below the hole, blackened and still smoking from a fire that had burned vigorously during the night, drawing a large number of fire trucks to the area.The state news media said that many of the survivors were seriously injured, with drivers and passengers alike suffering severe bone fractures and injuries to internal organs.A witness told the state news media that h ………………………………

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