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产妇疑因没床位延误治疗死亡 | Hospital accused of rejecting pregnant patient

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2019-11-11 14:57
Health authorities in Daqing, Northeast China's Heilongjiang province announced on Sunday that it has suspended some medical staff from working after their hospital was accused of refusing a pregnant woman under the excuse of no vacancy, leading to her death.  A post has gone viral online claiming that doctors at the Daqing Oilfield General Hospital issued a notice of hospitalization on Oct 30 for the woman surnamed Liu who was about to give birth, but the gynecology and obstetrics department did not receive her because there was no bed available. The woman then died on Tuesday after suffering from water breaking and bleeding and invalid treatment, six days after giving birth. The post, which was allegedly written by the victim's husband surnamed Yan, said that after being rejected by the hospital around 9:30 am on Oct 30, the couple had to go home. But on the way back home, ………………………………

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