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加措上师语录  · 公众号  · 佛学  · 2024-04-30 10:28
心智是需要经过磨炼的,要想让自己充满智慧,就必须去体验生活,这样悟出的道理才是真理,也更容易为自己所接受。很多人不理解这一点,总是把希望寄托到外界的事物上,不好好去反思自己,总结自己,最终会一事无成。耕好自己的心田,才能用智慧去耕耘人生。---加措活佛There are no more than two kinds of things in life, things already happened and things that have not happened yet. For those things already happened, it's impossible for us to make any changes, therefore, we don't need to become too obsessed about it. For those things that haven't happened yet, there are two options: things that can be changed with present efforts; and things that can never be changed. We should not waste our time and effort to repent upon the past or to have anxieties about the future; we should do the best we can at the present. As The Buddha said, hold your heart to the present moment; you will have serene ou ………………………………

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