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昨日之世界  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-10-14 19:49
点击蓝字关注我们      百乐作为日本知名文具品牌,相信很多人都听说并且用过他们的笔,尤其是号称“高 考神笔”的网红产品P500。今年恰好是百乐成立的100周年,也是百乐进驻中国的第15年,因此百乐在六月于上海举办了“百乐百年展”。(至于为什么是100周年、15年和6月,是因为这是篇去年写的文章,小编狗头保命)Pilot, as a well-known stationery brand in Japan, is prevalently recognized and used by people, especially the most popular one called P500 as it has its nickname ‘magical pen for exams.’ This year happens to be the 100th anniversary of Pilot and the 15th year that Pilot enters China. Therefore, Pilot held the "Pilot Centennial Exhibition" in Shanghai in June.      百乐由并木(Ryosuke Namiki)与和田(Masao Mado)于1918年成立。并木曾在 东 ………………………………

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