专栏名称: 斯坦福商学院
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GSB播客|Think Fast, Talk Smart - 4: 如何通过自省提高沟通能力

斯坦福商学院  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-11-14 09:00
我们怎样才算是精通了与他人沟通的技巧?如何发言和写作才能使其发挥出最大的影响力?在本期播客节目中,斯坦福商学院讲师JD Schramm和Matt Abrahams讨论了如何通过不断自省来提高自己的沟通能力,还提供了很多无论是准备重要发言时或是日常交流时都能用到的小技巧。以下为本期播客的文字整理稿:Matt Abrahams: With dedicated practice, self-reflection, along with a little guidance, we can all hone and improve our communication skills.Today we will focus on the idea of communication mastery with my friend, colleague, and mentor, JD Schramm, who in addition to lecturing in Strategic Communication at Stanford’s Graduate School of Business, was recently named the Director of the King Global Leadership Program for the Knight-Hennessy Scholars Program at Stanford. Welcome, JD.How do ………………………………

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