当前,我国疫情防控工作面临严峻挑战,有人对“动态清零”防疫政策产生疑问。 China is currently facing its biggest COVID-19 challenge since the early days of the pandemic, prompting some to question the country's dynamic clearance strategy. 中国疾控中心曾发表文章指出,如果中国学习美国的“躺平”政策,我国每日新增人数将高达63万人,其中包括2.2万重症患者。 虽然奥密克戎变异毒株本身的致病性不及其他毒株强,由于其传播速度快、感染人数多,疫情造成的死亡总数及社会危害与影响,并没有因此而减轻。考虑到我国14亿的人口基数,有限的医疗资源和“一老一小”重点人群疫苗接种情况,“躺平”可能会直接击穿全国医疗体系。 The Chinese CDC estimated if China chose to "live with COVID-19" like some countries are encouraging, its daily cases would skyrocket to hundreds of thousands and quickly overw