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【Economist】Privilege in South Korea: One country, two systems

新英文外刊  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-10-19 07:00
中文导读北京时间2019年5月26日凌晨,第72届戛纳电影节各项大奖逐一揭晓,韩国导演奉俊昊的《寄生虫》斩获金棕榈大奖。《寄生虫》走红与得奖背后隐藏的是韩国的社会问题和政治问题:贫富巨大差距、社会阶层不公和难于逾越的鸿沟。The president’s plan for making the society fairer is not going wellIn an early scene in “Parasite”, a hit South Korean film, a young woman from a poor family forges a university-enrolment certificate for her brother. He is about to apply for a job tutoring a girl from a rich family and hopes that the false credential will improve his chances. But when he shows up to the interview the girl’s mother barely glances at it, telling him she trusts him because he was recommended by her daughter’s previous tutor—his only posh friend, who has left to study abroad.Even ………………………………

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