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【Economist】Europe v Google: High fines, meagre results

新英文外刊  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-07-27 06:00
中文导读近日,谷歌因滥用搜索引擎优势收到欧盟开出的天价罚单,罚金高达43亿欧元,惩罚力度史无前例。欧盟希望通过此举促进公平竞争,可事实上,看似巨额的罚金却只占谷歌现金净额的5%,打击力度极其有限。为了促进行业的良性发展,欧盟需要做的还有很多,比如敦促谷歌允许竞品应用商店分发其应用程序,或者将选择权交给消费者。The European Commission is right to tackle the tech titans, but its remedies are wantingHOW high can they go? On July 18th the European Commission hit Google with a record fine of €4.3bn ($5bn) for entrenching its dominance in internet search by illegally tying together this service and other mobile apps with Android, the firm’s mobile operating system. A year ago the commission levied a fine of €2.4bn on Google for using its ………………………………

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