专栏名称: WallStreetTequila
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补招 | 巴克莱开放加拿大地区2021暑期实习申请

WallStreetTequila  · 公众号  · 留学  · 2021-01-21 03:41
WST 线上功能板块TequilaShot录播课、互动直播课、面经题库、一键内推、网申提醒……想玩转WST官网和微信小程序功能?观看下方视频即可把握求职先机↓↓↓今日职位Barclays - Banking Summer AnalystBarclays的薪资有多高?Barclays的平均年薪约为11.2万美元(≈73.2万元人民币)。 职位介绍:公司:Barclays职位:Banking Summer Analyst地点:CanadaExpect to be right where the action is. You’ll start with four days of training, after which you’ll join a team focused on a key industry, product or region. Whichever team you join, you’ll work on live deals and deal proposals, learn how to put together new business presentations and discover the art of executing transactions. The challenges you take on might include: financial analysis and modeling valuation industry research client due di ………………………………

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