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Arthur Lewbel对于由Deaton而引发的结构模型v.s.随机实验争论的讨论

码农经济学  · 知乎专栏  ·  · 2015-10-17 23:42
Deaton获诺贝尔经济学奖之后,结构模型与随机实验的争论又重现江湖。最近Boston College 的Arthur Lewbel教授在自己的facebook上对一争论发表了自己的看法。对于墙外的同学,可以直接看他的主页:https://www.facebook.com/arthur.lewbel/posts/10153781244691414。对于墙内的同学,我在这里将原文复制过来,并做简单翻译。Deaton argues that the virtues of randomized experiments over detailed survey data have been greatly exaggerated in the modern development literature. I agree. I don't usually discuss my real work on Facebook, however, below are some paragraphs from a survey article I'm writing on identification. I'd be interested in hearing what people of think of this, especially the last paragraph:Deaton认为在现在的发展经济学文献中,随机实验的好处被大大高估了。我(Lewbel)同意这一点,我在Facebook上不经常讨论我的实际工作,以下是我写的关于识别问题 ………………………………

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