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【YouTube】Why You Won't See a Tesla Commercial

新英文外刊  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-05-06 00:33
The real reason Tesla never advertises.B站UP主:新英文杂志Subtitle:Most companies depend on advertising to inform persuade and remind consumers of their products and services. But not Tesla. You won't see any Tesla ads anywhere. Not online. Not on the radio.  And not on television where sometimes companies can spend millions on just a single ad. It's unclear how much General Motors spent on this Super Bowl commercia but the going rate for a 30-second spot is $5 million. In total, GM spent $2.7 billion in advertising and promotion in 2020 that's actually down a billion from the year before due to disruptions from COVID-19.  Here's the advertising cost per vehicle sold for the leading automakers. Genesis, part of the Hyundai Motor Company, dished out $2,000 per vehicle in 2019 whereas Tesla spent 14 cents, incurring costs from promotional activities rather t ………………………………

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