专栏名称: 凤观烟台
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凤凰新闻历 | 4.19 谷雨

凤观烟台  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-04-19 06:30
邮件 | ifengyt@126.com   电话 | 0535-6886857 / 6886859Grain Rain marks the last solar term in spring according to the traditional Chinese calendar. Falling around April 20th, it symbolizes the transition from spring to summer. During this period, the weather becomes warmer, and rainfall increases, nurturing the growth of grains. Farmers begin to sow seeds for summer crops, harnessing the energy of the rain to ensure a fruitful harvest ahead. Grain Rain serves as a reminder of the vital connection between nature's cycles and human agricultural activities, embodying the essence of harmony between humanity and the natural world. ………………………………

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