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线虫肚里的新抗生素| Nature Podcast

自然系列  · 公众号  · 科研  · 2019-12-01 10:16
 又到了每周一次的 Nature Podcast 时间了!欢迎收听本周由Benjamin Thompson和 Shamini Bundell 带来的一周科学故事,本期播客片段讨论抗生素与耐药性。欢迎前往iTunes或你喜欢的其他播客平台下载完整版,随时随地收听一周科研新鲜事。音频文本:Host: Benjamin ThompsonHi, listeners – Benjamin here. It’s a bit of a solo mission for me this week, so we’ve got a slightly shorter show than usual. Don’t worry though, we’ve still got the News Chat – that’s coming up at the end of the show – but first, I’ve got a story about antibiotics and antibiotic resistance.[Jingle]Interviewer: Benjamin ThompsonNow, as I’m sure you’re aware, antibiotic resistance is a serious public health issue around the world. As more disease-causing bacteria evolve resistance to antibiotics, researchers are desperately ………………………………

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