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China Daily | “禁鞭”是否应该一刀切?

考研英语同源外刊  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-01-25 19:00
Ahead of Lunar New Year, Chinese Debate Fireworks Ban农历新年前夕,中国人就烟花爆竹禁令展开辩论Chinese lawmakers recently entered a fierce online debate on whether fireworks should be used to celebrate the Lunar New year this February.中国立法者最近加入了网上一场对今年2月是否应该燃放烟花爆竹庆祝农历新年的激烈辩论。They said a total ban on fireworks in the country credited with inventing the noise makers would be hard to enforce. Lawmakers said air pollution prevention and fire safety laws have led to "differences in understanding" of the ban on fireworks.他们表示,全面禁止燃放烟花爆竹在一个被认为发明了这种热闹玩意的国家将很难执行。立法者表示,大气污染防治和消防安全法导致了对烟花爆竹禁令的“理解分歧”。However, it was never a total ban. In 2017, official data showed 444 cities had banned fireworks. Since then, some of the cities have loosened the bans. ………………………………

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