专栏名称: 古董艺术收藏家
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古董艺术收藏家  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-11-19 20:51
              藏品交易顾问巫总:18124194293北宋 “崇宁通宝”大系,其中含铁母类二十五种、铜母类二十五种、珍稀及出谱版式百余种,共计各类不同版式三百余种,上美品至极美品。In the northern song dynasty, there were 25 types of iron mother, 25 types of copper mother, and over a hundred types of rare and rare patterns.宋徽宗时期昏庸无道,时局动荡,经济萧条,民不聊生,政府为了筹集大量的军费,不断加大铸钱来平衡经济,造成钱币泛滥。被世人公认为中国铸币史上的四个高峰期之一。During the reign of emperor huizong of the song dynasty, there was no way out, the current situation was turbulent, the economy was sluggish, and the people were suffering from depression. In order to raise a large amount of military expenditure, the government con ………………………………

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