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Quora | 如何才能在人群中一眼就看出谁是聪明人?

Quora文选  · 公众号  · 问答  · 2020-02-25 09:00
▲Quora(260字) 高中班主任评曰:哗众取宠者流How can you identify intelligent people?Robert Anthony, High School Diploma from Washington Township High School (2022)193.9k Views · 15.6k UpvotesIn the above picture, it shows a race. A race between dogs and the fastest land animal, the cheetah. The cheetah doesn't need to race because it knows it'll win. It doesn't need to prove anything.Now if you want to find the smartest person in the room, ask what's 2+2. The people with average intelligence knows its 4 and scream it at the top of their lungs.The intelligent ones stay silent and know they don't need to prove they know the answer to such a basic question. They are observers, not reactors.▌VOCABULARY:cheetah:/'tʃitə/ (n.) African wild animal of the cat family with black spots and long legs, and able to run very fast 猎豹(产於非洲, 有黑色斑点, ………………………………

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