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杭州绿城育华亲亲学校 | 暮春致夏·第八届合唱专场音乐会

绿城育华教育集团GYE  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-07-03 15:33
ART·BEAUTY 艺术&美  How long has it been since you calmed down and looked up at the sky.Dark blue, light blue, indigo, white blue.The same color can present different forms in the sky.How long has it been since you focused and enjoyed singing a song. Long notes, short notes, low notes, high notes, transitions. The same vocal cord can unleash different forces when expressing emotions.自然、情感,汇构了艺术。Nature and emotions combine to form art 好的艺术教育从来不是单单指艺术本身,而是通过美育潜移默化塑造、升华人的人生观、价值观。——绿城育华亲亲学校·艺术素养课程Good art education never simply refers to art itself, but rather subtly shapes and sublimates people's outlook on life and values through aesthetic.——Green City Yuhua Qinqin School · Art Literacy Course艺术素养课程 · 班班有歌声Music Literacy Course  ·We all can sing亲亲艺术素养课程始终关注人的“自我表达”: ………………………………

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