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Scientific Data Could Be Trapped in China Under New Rules

合规  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-07-17 16:31
按:陈立彤律师发表在“财新国际”的英文文章。文中所说的规定是2018年1月23日中央全面深化改革领导小组第二次会议会议审议通过的文件《科学数据管理办法》。改办法颁布之后,出现了多种不同的解读,有些解读可能有误导。我们现发陈立彤律师的文章与大家探讨。On March 17, the State Council of China issued “Measures for the Management of Scientific Data,” a regulation focusing on the protection of scientific data. The regulation mandates that scientific data of scientific research projects must be concentrated, managed and preserved via scientific data centers, and sets a strict application and approval process for scientific data’s transboundary transfers.A lot of articles, including those from some mainstream media, expressed concern that China is setting up another “Great Wa ………………………………

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