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经经有道  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-12-31 10:41
这是《学经济》论文研讨会的一篇推送1时间:2023年10月27日 周五 19:00-21:002地点:囊萤楼1053报告人:王亚南经济研究院2021级博士生 李学勇注:2002年之后,年生产规模在10万箱以下的卷烟制造企业数量开始显著减少。1论文题目: "Market Structure, Oligopsony Power, and Productivity" AER, 2023(09)2论文作者:Michael Rubens3摘要: I examine the effects of oligopsony power on allocative efficiency and income redistribution by studying a size regulation in the Chinese tobacco industry that led to ownership consolidation. I show that separate identification of input price markdowns, goods price markups, and productivity is challenging when a subset of inputs is non-substitutable, which often holds for materials, and construct and estimate a model to overcome this challenge. I find that the regulation increased input price markdowns by 37 percent on average. This increase in oligopsony power led to a decline in al ………………………………

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