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《傲慢与偏见》| 好像人生没有什么比体面的酒席更令他得意

可可英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2022-05-19 00:05
点击下方公众号关注我们双语文本The dinner was exceedingly handsome, and there were all the servants, and all the articles of plate which Mr. Collins had promised; and, as he had likewise foretold, he took his seat at the bottom of the table, by her ladyship's desire, and looked as if he felt that life could furnish nothing greater. 酒席果然特别体面,侍候的仆从以及盛酒菜的器皿,也跟柯林斯先生所形容过的一模一样,而且正如他事先所料到的那样,夫人果然吩咐他坐在末席,看他那副神气,好像人生没有比这更得意的事了。He carved, and ate, and praised with delighted alacrity; and every dish was commended, first by him, and then by Sir William, who was now enough recovered to echo whatever his son in law said, in a manner which Elizabeth wondered Lady Catherine could bear. 他边切边吃,又兴致淋漓地赞不绝口;每一道菜都由他先来夸奖,然后由威廉爵士加以 ………………………………

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