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政策 | EPA将制定新的HFCs规则制定

新材料参考  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-04-24 07:43
觉得F叫兽的资讯有用就关注Apr 19,2018 In short term, agency will follow court ruling barring it from replacing HFCs; meeting set for May 4. 简言之,EPA将遵守法庭对HFC替代的判决,5月4日将开会讨论。The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) last week issued a notice of guidance affirming that it would adhere to a Court of Appeals ruling that limits its ability to regulate HFCs while also stating its intention to commence a notice-and-comment rulemaking process to revisit how it can regulate HFCs.EPA上周发表了关于遵守最高法庭判决的指导通知,该判决限定EPA对HFC的管理权限。同时开启了通知和注释的规则制订程序以便如何再监管HFCs。The agency also announced a stakeholder meeting on May 4 at its Washington, D.C., headquarters to enable stakeholders to provide input as part of the rulemaking ………………………………

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