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西海岸的风  · 公众号  · 财经  · 2019-01-26 10:18
最新一篇研究中国PM2.5对幸福度影响的文章:Siqi Zheng, Jianghao Wang, Cong Sun, Xiaonan Zhang and Matthew E. Kahn.“Air Pollution Lowers Urban Chinese Sentiment on Social Media”, Nature Human Behavior. 2019. DOI: 10.1038/s41562-018-0521-2采用2014年9个月期间来自144个城市两亿多条微博的文字,进行机器学习语义分析,计算城市每日心情指数中位数,再结合PM2.5数据等进行分析。We found a statistically significant negative relationship between PM2.5 concentration and people’s happiness levels. Women and those with higher income seem to be more affected by air pollution, while bad air quality has a larger effect on people’s mood during weekends and holidays. Days where weather is not ideal (cloudy, or very hot or cold) is also a factor in how people's moods are affected by air pollution. Finally, those living in the ………………………………

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