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实习僧  · 公众号  · 求职  · 2024-05-15 12:00
范思哲意大利奢侈品品牌是独特的美感、极强的先锋艺术的象征最受中国高净值人群青睐的服饰品牌之一现在范思哲招人人人!一对一导师带教&不打卡入职可享员工内购优惠心动不如行动,速速投递!👇👇👇范思哲 | 财务实习生职位描述1、Sales (1)Sales data download from system, consolidate into different templates after verification(2)Special projects sales manual upload format preparation(3) Special projects sales tracking, such as F&F sales, big events, Markdown, etc2、Store Network (1)Store code application for new stores and change application for existing stores(2)Store count report preparation, L4L remark and store size update3、Expense (1)Responsible for CAPEX tracking vs FCST(2)D&A analysis between actual, budget and last year职位要求1、Bachelor degree or above2、Proactive and willing to learn3、Strong communication skills, able to work independently4、Wo ………………………………

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