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麦音乐  · 公众号  · 音乐  · 2021-04-15 21:49
曲名:Far From Any Road歌手:The Handsome Family所属专辑:《真探》原声发行年代:2015风格:另类乡村“歌词摘要:From the dusty mesa从那烟尘弥漫的平丘间Her looming shadow grows她神秘莫测之影愈发滋长Hidden in the branches隐埋在Of the poison creosote充满木榴油毒液的枝干中She twines her spines up slowly她将荆棘般的脊缓慢蜿蜒Towards the boiling sun只为面向炙热的太阳And when I touched her skin而当吾触摸她之肤My fingers ran with blood血珠顺着指尖滴落In the hushing dusk, under a swollen silver moon这缄默肃暮与银白满月之中I came walking with the wind to watch the cactus bloom风中徐步意在目睹仙人掌开花A strange hunger haunted me,未知之手令人驻足the looming shadows danced莫测之影翩翩起舞I fell down to the thorny brush and felt a trembling hand匍匐 ………………………………

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