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粮仓老建筑 | 翻新改造:“变身”文化地标性——上海嘻谷艺术馆

搜建筑  · 公众号  ·  · 2022-09-06 13:32
▲ 更多精品,关注“搜建筑”云间粮仓建筑改造“上海嘻谷艺术馆”DCDSAA淀川建筑事务所▲ 嘻谷艺术馆鸟瞰DCDSAA淀川建筑事务所与“云间嘻谷”品牌合作,将坐落于中国上海云间粮仓西22栋历史文化老建筑改造为全新的“嘻谷艺术馆”空间;项目由DCDSAA淀川建筑事务所操刀设计,基于场地环境及当代艺术的属性,摒除原始建筑多余的形体,以恰当的分寸,极简的手法,再造出通透性及关联的几何形态,让建筑与室内融合在一起。 DCDSAA Architecture Office cooperated with the brand "Valley of the Clouds" to transform 22 old historical and cultural buildings located in the west of the granary of the Clouds in Shanghai, China into a brand-new space of "Valley of the Clouds Art Museum"; The project was designed by DCDSAA Architecture Office. Based on the site environment and the attributes of contemporary art, the redundant forms of the original buil ………………………………

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