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Quora图摘: 忘了全世界,我也会记得你!

Quora文选  · 公众号  · 问答  · 2021-09-24 13:10
An elderly man hurried to his 8:00 AM doctors appointment, he wanted to finish quickly so he could get to another appointment. The doctor asked what it was and he proudly said, "Every morning at 9:00 AM at the hospital he had breakfast with his wife." The doctor asked what her condition was and he replied, "She has had Alzheimer's the past 5 years and hasn't known who he is." The doctor then asked why he continues if she has no idea who he is and the old man replied, "Because I still know who she is."一位老人匆匆赶往早上8点的医生预约,他想快点结束,这样他就可以去赴另一个预约。医生问他还有什么事儿,他骄傲地说,“每天早上9:00他要在医院和他的妻子一起吃早餐”,医生问他的妻子是得了什么病,他回答说,“她得阿尔兹海默症(老年痴呆)已经5年,她已经认不出我来了”,医生 ………………………………

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